Spark the Fire Grant Writer Directory

Are you looking for a grant writer to help you with your project? You’ve come to the right place! This is a directory of vetted grant writers who have earned an assessment-based Certificate in Grant Writing through Spark the Fire. These grant writers have demonstrated proficiency in their grant writing and grant research skills. Spark the Fire now provides grant writing services for five clients per year. Apply here.

Want to Know How to Find a Good Grant Writer?

The grant writers in this directory are available either as independent consultants or employees for grant writing work. Many have also completed our Business in Freelance Grant Writing course and have shown exemplary work in writing grants.

Drew Alcoser Grantscadia Portland, OR

Drew Alcoser
Portland, OR

Monique Marcolin
Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Tanya Sharp
Seattle, WA

Grace Panknin
Las Vegas, Nevada

Carrie Care LinkedIn Fort Collins, CO

Carrie Care, GPC
Fort Collins, CO

Rebecca Goyt
Seattle, WA

Michael Morrow
Corvallis, OR

How much should you spend on hiring a grant writer?

When hiring a grant writer, begin by considering your budget. Grant writers are paid by the hour or by the project, never on commission. Getting paid for writing grants on commission is considered unethical, and the vast majority of grantmakers will not allow the grant award to be spent on a grant writer.

The cost depends on the grant writer’s experience

Beginning grant writers are a wonderful investment, especially if they have earned an assessment-based Certificate in Grant Writing, such as the certification through Spark the Fire. Earning a certification means that the grant writer has been assessed on their grant writing skills by writing an actual grant proposal and having it reviewed by a grant writing expert. However, since they may not have won several grant awards yet, they are still building their portfolio.

A minimum of $35 per hour is charged by grant writers who are independent contractors because they have to pay self-employment taxes and purchase their own health insurance, professional liability insurance, and technology assets. The typical hourly rate of a grant writer is between $75 and $150 per hour.

How Long Does it Take to Write a Grant Proposal?

The time it takes to complete a grant proposal depends on several factors. If the organization has prepared in advance, the grant writer can focus on writing. However, if the organization has not prepared, the grant writer may have to spend time getting the organization’s documentation together. A typical grant to a foundation may take 4-6 hours if the organization is prepared. Since beginning grant writers may take more time to write the grant than a pro, you may want to bid the grant by the project or work with a grant writer on a monthly fee basis instead.

Paying a Grant Writer a Monthly Fee Instead of by the Hour

Since there are so many variables in grant writing, you may want to pay your grant writer a monthly fee instead of by the hour to spearhead your organization’s grant writing program. After all, your organization will be much more successful submitting multiple grant requests than putting all your eggs in one basket. Spark the Fire Grant Writers can develop a monthly calendar of grant prospects and work on an ongoing basis to develop a steady stream of grant revenue. A monthly grant writing fee may run between $500 and $3,000 per month, depending on the size of your organization’s annual budget.

Build Internal Capacity - train your own team members to write grants

If hiring a grant writer sounds daunting, consider whether it might be better to train someone already employed by your organization. Does someone on your team already have excellent writing skills? Being a good writer is half the battle. We can train your employees to be stellar grant writers through our Spark the Fire Executive Certificate in Grant Writing Course.

Apply for Spark the Fire Grant Writing Services

Spark the Fire takes on five select clients per year for grant writing services. Clients sign up for a monthly retainer fee for all their grant writing needs. Services are provided by Spark the Fire Certificate in Grant Writing graduates under the direct supervision of Spark the Fire Founder Allison Jones. Apply here.