Certified Grantwriters
The following individuals have received their Certificate in Grantwriting through Spark the Fire Grantwriting Classes:
Charissa Adams
“This was a really informative, educational course. Allison took the time to give really thorough feedback and even set up a meeting with me to give me guidance on making my proposal more cohesive. I have already been applying what I learned and feel so much more confident with the proposals I am submitting. I highly recommend this course!”
Hafsa Abdinur
Andrea Adams
Bailey Adams
Sevan Agrippa
Nell Aiello
Kathleen Akers
Drew Alcoser
Course Content and Tips: A+
“The one-on-one feedback is so helpful. I was able to address my questions with valuable input from my instructor. The course covered every angle that we should be thinking about that a grantmaker might ask for. And-- tips for how to appeal to them. Our instructor had me dig deep within to really write in a way that is persuasive and concise.”
*5-Stars* *Definitely Recommend*
Dana Amromin
Jeannine Anderson
Maura Anderson
Amanda Apitz
Michelle Arinaga
Gretchen Aro
Kathleen Ashelford
Nancy Asnicar
Dominic Aulisio
Lee Avallone
Mary Baechler
Allison Baer
Christine Bagley
Hanisha Bakshani
Rebecca Ballantyne
Tiffany Ban
Shelley Barker
Ariel Bassom
Charlina Barrington
Ariel Basom
Jayne Barton
Chester Beard
Marshall Bender
Makayla Beleford
Marshall Bender
Nadia Betkouchar
Onetha Black
Julie Blaszak
Beatrice Blaylock
Tami Bloom
Susan Bohn
Ruby Booras
Paula Bordenet
Michelle Boudet-French
Sarah Bourn
Pam Brager
Lisa Brennan
Julie Brewer
Colleen Bromen
Sarah Brown
Sharon Raye Brown
Tiffany Brown
Jennifer Buehler
Monique Buge
Justin Burgess
Lucie Campbell
Susan Campbell
Tracy Campion
Caitlin Canup
Gabriela Cardona
Carrie Care
“Excellent Course! I have been searching for a course like this for years! After learning a few of the skills and lessons presented here "on the job," it was so great to have this course to confirm some things I already knew, but also to learn about aspects I had not yet dealt with or considered. Having all the info about the business of freelancing so organized and all in one place, with checklists, materials I can use, and feedback from the instructor was invaluable! I also enjoyed connecting with other grant writers during the cohort portion. I cannot say enough good things about this course!.”
Soledad Carillo
Shawn Carkonen
Diana Carlson
Kyla Carlston
Faith Carr
Heather Carrie
Nekaycha Cavil
Sandra Centeno
John Chabala
Danielle Charcenko
Kaitlin Chase
Nelson Chen
Tiffany Chen
Amy Cheng
Emma Chrisman
Heidi Christensen
Hanan Chudnoff
Supastorn Chupong
Marina Coates
Kara Cogger
Cody Cook-Winscher
David Corrado
Stevi Costa
Catherine Couture
Alexandra Cratsenberg
Michelle Crimmins
“I started this course as a nonprofit employee who had picked up grant management as a small component of my day-to-day work. Over the last year, grant writing has become my primary job. This course was my first actual training in this field and it has been invaluable, as has Allison's detailed, patient, and inquisitive feedback. I so appreciated the opportunity to learn at my own pace and ask questions along the way, and I'll be revisiting my coursework regularly as I continue to grow my career as a grant writer.”
Roxanne Cummings
Morgan Curry
Aimee Cusimano
Najma Dahir-Abdulla
Ilham Dakane
Jennifer Darling
Pamela Daroff
Ruth Daughterty
Grace Davis
Shawna Davis
Vanessa Delgado
Richard Desanto
Jade Dikelsky
Annie Dimitras
Shanelle Dodson-Dance
Molly Doyle
Susan Dole
Emily Doughty
Karisha DuToit
Rowan Dowgert
Jamie Eby
Chris'She'A Edwards
Kristen Elder
Tanya Elder
Hannah Elzig
Felice England
Pamela Erstad
Meaghan Fairchild
Liz Fenstermaker
Holly Fischer
Jordan Fischer
Brenda Davis Fisher
Sarah Fitchett
Eric Flatten
Brooke Yaptangco Flinn
Lynn Follett
Callan Foster
Sharon Fowler
Laura Fox
Lauren Fox
Gretchen Frankenstein
Liberty Franks
Leah Frazier
Sonia Frojen
Loren Fuller
Meghan Gallagher
Liz Ganey
Arianna Garofalo
Sawnie Geer
Amy Geier
Gretchen Geltemeyer
Brandon Gilley
Meredith Goehring
Adam Goldstein
Melanie Glock
Rebecca Goyt
Leigha Griffin
Tammy Guill
Katy Hadley
Jenny Hagemann
Leah Hakimi
Helen Halpern
Courtney Harris
Rhea Harrison
Anna Hartshorne
Teresa Hastings
Shelly Haverkamp
Katrina Hawking
Wendy Heaton
Amanda Heflin
Laura Helling
Amie Hendricks
Azalea Hermann
Natalia Hernandez
Nathan Hersey
April Hichens
Erin Higbee-Kollu
Auda Hill
Haydee Hill
Angela Hodge
Shila Hodgins
Maggie Holland
Marcus Hopkins
Nathaniel Howard
Kelsey Hunt
Zarina Infante
“I am brand new to the grant writing world and learned a lot from this class. I feel that I have the tools I need to search and apply for future grants. I highly recommend this course, 3-4 hours per week was doable for me within a 40-hour full-time work week.”
Leah Idler
Zarina Infante
Corinne Isaak
Day M. Iseminger
Jillian Jacobs
Michael Jacobsen
Sarah Jacobsen
Benita Jangala
Julie Janson
Sterline Daphney Jean
Jessica Jenkins
Justine Jephson
Brenda Johnson
Garrett Johnson
Michael David Johnson
"I enrolled in the Spark The Fire grant writing course to see if the process was as difficult as I'd imagined and to help my all-volunteer fire district in Southwest Washington financially. Allison’s step-by-step and clear teaching style removed any doubts I had about grant writing. Each week, I expected it to get tough, but it never did. It was challenging but not difficult, thanks to how Allison explained everything from start to finish. Right after completing the course, I confidently submitted my first grant application and am nearly finished with a second. If you're interested in grants and grant writing, I highly recommend the Spark The Fire course as a solid foundation.”
Anina Jones
Ethan Jones
Mindy Jones
Nia Jones
Jodi Jonis
Allison Joy
Carolyn Kading
Garrett Robert Kalt
Loren Kando
Kathryn Karcher
Kristin Kasa
Diane Kasparek
Julie Kelly
Molly Kernan
Stephanie Kilough
Marilyn King
Rori Kirkpatrick
Ashlea Koepke
Lori Kothe
Kyle Kuhn
Susanna Kutches
Anna LaCombe
Angela Lamb
Caitlin Lane
Rachel Lanera
Marisa Langlois
Heidi Larsen
Andrew Larson
Tatum Larson
Nancy Leal
Lilia Alejandra Levy
Esther Leyva
Gretchen Lilly
Kenji Lianane-Booey
Annie Lindekugel
Ann Lipscomb
Kelsey Liu
Diane Longmoor
Kins Loree
Melissa Luatua
Kimberlee Luckie
Katie Lutts
Sarah Lynch
Chelsea Manning
Alissa Manno
Sophia Marlantes
Jennifer Martin
Todd Matthews
Andrew Maust
Joe Maxwell
Rebecca McCabe
Kelly McCaffrey
Rachelle McCarty
Maureen McCauley
Vanessa Mehta
“Allison provided so many wonderful aspects to this class. These included video classes, mentoring, peer reviews, and an abundance of resources to write a highly organized, well-written grant in a persuasive manner. Starting as a novice, I had taken another grant writing class over the summer, but I did not feel prepared. I was offered the opportunity to take Allison's class which was fantastic to enhance my skills and participate in new learning. I feel ready to write another grant! I highly recommend this class.”
Koby McInnis-Fuller
Alix Melin
Wendy Menchu - Lopez
Audrey Meyer
Kelly Michaels
Jowynna Michel
Nicolina Miller
Sarah Miller
Shannon Miller
Morgan Miller
Alison Mohrbacher
Ella Mora
Brandi Morang
Henry Morgan
Michael Morrow
Julie Motley
Jesse Murphy-Hill
Jin Muse
Phoebe Muth
Kieva Myers
“This course was incredibly thorough and rigorous. As someone new to grant writing but familiar with proposal writing, this course took me through each and every important detail of the grant writing process. Allison, the instructor, is patient and so knowledgeable about her field. I highly recommend this course. So worth the money.”
Jessica Olarti
Penelope O'Laughlin
Monique O’Neill
Edward Olwell
Jonise Orie
Marjorie Osterhout
Anna Parnigoni
Susan Pappalardo
Heather Parker
Anna Parnigoni
Sara Patterson
Delaney Pearson
Annitra Peck
Irene Pellegrini
Alexander Peri
Grady Persons
Elizabeth Phelps
Nichol Phillips
Keandra Piatt
Kesri Pinyo
James Pitts
Emily Pote
Veronica Prentice
Lindsey Price
Sonja Pringle
Faith "Faye" Ramirez
Kristi Ramirez
Tomica Ransaw
Ashley Redfearn
Harmony Redmond
Crystal Reyes
Veronica Riberio
Hope Rieden
Susan Riemer
Eve Rivera
Amelia Roberts
Chetanya Robinson
William Roller
Denise Rose
Lauren Rowe
Michelle Rowlett
Erin Royal
Tiffany Royal
Hannah Rudin
Kowan Russell
Megan Salazar
Julio Sanchez
Jenn Sankwich
Sasha Savoian
Grace Scarborough
Lily Schmidt-McGrath
Bryanna Schiller
Tiffany Schira
Anne Schneider
Austin Scrivner
Willie Seals
Great Course!
“Great Course. This course was great. It provided a step by step process from beginning to end on how to write a grant proposal. I would absolutely recommend to others.”
Kim Selber
Cheryl Selby
Tay Shaffer
Nishi Shankar
Tanya Sharp
Peggy Sheffler
Allison Shields
Connie Shirk
Rhiannon Simmonds
Ari Simmons
Carrie Sinclair
Karen Sisel Smith
Nick Smith
Staci Smith
Kim Soares
Lora Sonnen
Kes Sorensen
Matthew Spahn
Allison Spice
Samantha Squires
Sasha Stel-Ferguson
Katie Stemmene
Tracy Stewart
Brittany Stinett
Christine Stoll
Katerina Stoy-Pavelle
Audrey Stueckle
Will Suarez
Andrew Swanner
Meghan Sweeney
Andrea Swiedom
Lily Schmidt-McGrath
Kimberly Taber
Liz Teal
Jacob Teitelbaum
Sara Terry
Bezawit Tesfaye
Terri Tewey
Aubri Tharp
Manoj Thirupal
Kimberly Thomas
Martin Thordarson
Lindsey Toledo
Lacey Tolles
Bailey Tomlinson
Angela Trout
Hunter Uechi
Lynette Unrau
Jane Van Dae
Kamaria Sunshine Vaught
Kevi Veldman
Dominick Vergara
Kathleen Vertner
Sarah Villafuerte
Tiffany Villigan
Dr. S. Pee Vululleh
Brooke Wadsworth
Winnie Wakaba
Daniel Walker
Hazel Wallin
Rebekah Washington
Caitlin Wasley
Savanah Webb
Colette Weeks
Andrea Welch
Debra Westgate-Silva
Christianne White
Lori Ann Whitehead
Sarah Whitmarsh
Vivian Wiese
Christine M. Wilcox
Allison Williams
Bruce Williams
Dulcie Willis
Christine M. Wilcox
Mathew Wiloughby
Michael Wisler
Daniel Wolff
Bridget Wood
Anna Woodhouse
Noura Yahia
Brooke Yaptangco Flinn
Jerry Yoon
Nathan Zabel
Yuchan Zhao
Yuki Zheng